The Origin of Financial Crises (1)


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最後のブログから半年以上が経ってしまいましたが、久しぶりにブログを再開しようと思います。まずは、George Cooper氏の『The Origin of Financial Crises』をベースに、昨今の金融危機の本質がどこにあったのかを整理してみたいと思います。残念なことに、本著はまだ邦訳されていないようですが、EconomistやFTで高い評価を受けた良書です。

“A must read … Cooper’s book is by far the most cogent and reasoned of the modern-day ‘credit excess’ school.” The Economist
“A well written book … Cooper’s most novel doctrine is that investors do not have to be irrational to generate bubbles.” The Financial Times

George Cooper氏は、現在、ストラテジストとしてJPモルガンで活躍中です。

Dr. George Cooper is a principal of Alignment Investors a division of BlueCrest Capital Management Ltd. He was born in Sunderland and studied at Durham Sunderland and. George has worked as fund manager at Goldman Sachs and as strategist for Deutsche Bank and JP Morgan. He lives in London with his wife and two children.

彼の論旨は、伝統的な経済学の大前提である効率的市場仮説を否定するところから始まります。効率的市場仮説と言われてもただちにピンと来ませんが、Efficient Market Hypothesis(EMH)の直訳です。同著の文脈では、「自由市場の下、価格シグナルを媒介に、最適な需給バランスが実現される」程度にEMHを理解して良いと思います(要は、アダム・スミスの「神の見えざる手」)。実際のファイナンス理論で用いられるEMHの「効率性(Efficient)」は、単に市場参加者が手に入る情報を全部使っているというだけの意味しか持たないので、本著の文脈におけるEMHとはちょっと違います。


The central thesis of this book is that our financial system does not behave according to the laws of the Efficient Market Hypothesis, as laid down by the conventional wisdom of today’s prevailing economic theory. The Efficient Market Hypothesis describes our financial system … will settle into a steady optimal equilibrium. By contrast, this book argues our financial system is inherently unstable, has no steady state equilibrium and is habitually prone to the formation of damaging boom-bust cycles. It is argued that this instability requires central banks to manage the credit creation process. However, it is also explained how central bank policy can inadvertently slip from providing a stabilizing influence on economic activity to one that, over time, amplifies boom-bust cycles and destabilizes our economies.


1. Introduction
2. Efficient Markets And Central Banks?
3. Money, Banks And Central Banks
4. Stable And Unstable Markets
5. Deceiving The Diligent
6. On (Central Bank) Governors
7. Minsky Meets Mandelbrot
8. Beyond The Efficient Market Fallacy
9. Concluding Remarks