

まだ、「21世紀の国際関係」が終わっていないのですが、次々回以降から、キャロル・キグリー教授の『悲劇と希望(Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time)』をつまみ食い的にご紹介したいと思います。そこで、今日は、キャロル・キグリー教授を簡単にご紹介したいと思います。


キグリー教授は、1,300頁に及ぶ大著『悲劇と希望(Tragedy and Hope)』の中で国際銀行家のインナーサークルの実態を暴いた一人者として、一部のコミュニティでは大変高い知名度があります。彼が「ジョージタウン大学教授」で「クリントン元大統領が重要なスピーチでその名を言及した」という事実を背景に、『悲劇と希望』(正確にはそれを引用したスクーセンの邦訳)が“陰謀史観”の根拠として引用されていることが多いです。ただ、『悲劇と希望』には一切の情報源が示されておらず、内容の信憑性は、キグリー教授個人の信用性に全てがかかっています。




1910年 11月9日 ボストンに生まれる(0歳)
1941年 ジョージタウン大学で教鞭をとる (31歳)
1941年 同校で“The Development of Civilization”の授業を開始 (31歳)
1949年 『The Anglo-American Establishment』を執筆 (38歳)
1961年 『The Evolution of Civilizations』を出版 (50歳)
1966年 『Tragedy & Hope』を出版 (55歳)
1968年 ビル・クリントンジョージタウン大学を卒業
1969年 ゲイリー・アレンがジョン・バーチ・ソサエティの機關紙でキグリーの著作を引用
1970年 クレオン・スクーセンが『The Naked Capitalist』でキグリーの著作を引用
1971年 ゲイリー・アレンが『None Dare Call It Conspiracy』でキグリーの著作を引用
1975年 6月 『Tragedy & Hope』が再販開始(64歳)
1976年 6月 ジョージタウン大学での教授生活を終える (65歳)
1977年 1月3日心臓発作に見舞われ他界 (66歳)
1980年 ロバート・リンガーが『The Global Manipulator』を出版
1981年 『The Anglo-American Establishment』が出版される
1991年 7月 ビル・クリントン民主党の大統領候補演説の中でキグリーに言及
1991年 パット・ローバートソンが『The New World Order』でキグリーの著作を引用


He fell in love with a girl who came from a family of academic marvels. He knew to win over this girl, he had to match her family's erudition. So Quigley began to read: a couple of books a month became a book a week and then a book a day. In the end, he said, he found he could read multiple books a day because he already knew most of what was in them. And, by the way, he married the girl*1

Endowed with a Napoleonic constitution and willing to work 16 hours a day, Quigley was a rapid, acute reader who devoured the contents of countless thousands of books and came to possess an exceptional range of knowledge in many fields. Not one to hide his light under a bushel basket, he claimed to have read everything worth reading. Fields of special expertise included aspects of primitive culture (e.g., primitive poison fishhooks), the impact of weapons technology on social organization, and the Anglo-American elite.*2

He was a man whose audacious views never failed to pack a lecture hall*3

さて、一部の人たちに聖書のように祭り上げられている『悲劇と希望』ですが、1966年にMacmillan社から出版された際、あまり売れなかったようです。二人の同僚からしか推薦文をもらえなかったらしく、結局絶版となってしまいます(一部の人たちは、権力の中枢がキグリー博士の暴露を時期尚早と判断したから絶版になったと言っています)。その後、キグリー教授がジョージタウン大学に在学中の1974年に、G. S. G. & Associates, Incorporated*4という会社が同著作の再販を開始し、今ではアマゾン・ドットコムでも同書が手に入るようになりました。

Despite his impeccable academic credentials, the book being published by a major firm, and its unusual length and scope, Tragedy and Hope attracted only two tiny, dismissive, reviews from Quigley's peers. The American academic world blanked the book. Having had no reviews, the book didn't sell and Macmillan destroyed the plates from which the first edition had been printed*5.


Only a handful of academics have taken Quigley on board - Shoup and Minter, Carl Oglesby, Pieterse and van der Pijl - and none of them are mainstream Anglo-American historians.*6

Although he received only limited public and professional recognition for his contributions …*7

ただ、『The Naked Capitalist (邦訳:世界の歴史をカネで動かす男たち)』の著者スクーセンを初めとする陰謀説論者が彼の著作に注目しました。ただ、ジョン・バーチ・ソサエティを初めとする一部の集団が、政治的な思惑を持って彼の著作の一部と彼の名前を利用することを、キグリー教授は嫌っていたようです。

Quigley did not like conspiracy theorists. He felt they were motivated by politics, not history, and that they misconstrued things, including his book, for their own purposes. He felt that the attention conspiracy theorists gave to some twenty pages of his 1,300-plus page book somehow blackened his name in professorial circles; he was so sensitive about this he made me put the books he gave me into brown paper bags before I left his office.*8

また、晩年のキグリー先生は、学生に対する厳しい態度が学生の反発を招いたり、学内の権力抗争の中、彼が長年手がけてきた「Development of Civilization」が彼の手を離れてしまったりするなど、なかなかつらい状況に置かれていたようです。

… toward the end of his Georgetown career, Quigley ran into criticism from students unhappy about his grading, was roughed up in class by student antiwar protesters, and had his "Development of Civilization" course taken away from him in an academic power game*9


"...As a student at Georgetown, I heard that call clarified by a professor named Carroll Quigley, who said to us that America was the greatest country in the history of the world because our people have always believed in two things: that tomorrow can be better than today and that every one of us has a personal, moral responsibility to make it so."



Quigley himself thought that the influence of the Anglo-American elite had slowly waned after World War II and that, in American society after 1965, the problem was that no elite was in charge and acting responsibly.*10

He told me that Western civilization was tragic, and that when he’d written his textbook in the early 1960s he still had hope for its future; however by the time we met, ten years later, he’d lost all hope, he told me*11

A central concern of Quigley was whether Western Civilization could renew its best traditions--including investing in innovation and emphasizing spiritual values and interpersonal relations rather than material things--after the Age of Conflict between 1895 and 1945, or whether it would slide into an era of Universal Empire. Initially full of hope on this subject, he grew more pessimistic about it in his later years. Quigley said of himself that he was a conservative defending the liberal tradition of the West.*12


*1:"Lombardi.", Florida Trend, April 1 1997, http://www.allbusiness.com/government/government-bodies-offices-legislative/7512316-1.html

*2:"Carroll Quigley, Theorist of Civilizations", http://www.scientiapress.com/findings/quigley.htm


*4:G. S. G. & Associates社は、ゲイリー・アレンやネスタ・H・ウェブスターなど米国の古参右翼ジョン・バーチ・ソサエティ系の著作を多く出版する会社です

*5:Robin Ramsay. "Tragedy and Hope", http://www.variant.randomstate.org/10texts/Ramsay.html



*8:"Spookaroonie Joan d’Arc Interviews Robert Eringer" http://www.paranoiamagazine.com/spookaroonie.html



